J.D. Baker is a Software/Systems Engineer with interest and expertise in enterprise architecture, requirements development, software/system architecture and system design processes and methodologies that support Model-Based Engineering. He has used UML as a leader of development teams since 1999 and Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect since 2001. He provides training and mentoring in software and system architecture, systems engineering, software development, iterative/agile development, object-oriented analysis and design, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the UML Profile for Systems Engineering (SysML), use case driven requirements, and process improvement. He is an elected member of the Architecture Board at the OMG. He has participated in the development of UML, OMG SysML, the UML Profile for BPMN Processes and the UML Profile for DoDAF and MODAF. J.D. holds many industry certifications, including OMG Certified System Modeling Professional (OCSMP), OMG Certified UML Professional (OCUP), Sun Certified Java Programmer, and he holds certificates as an SEI Software Architecture Professional and ATAM Evaluator. He is also an Instructor and Faculty Advisor for the University of California San Diego Extension Information Technology, and Engineering and Defense Technology departments.