The following are my top 10 resolutions for better success with EA in the upcoming year, presented on no particular order:
- Conduct more private, onsite TOGAF courses for more assured chance of EA traction
- Integrate the themes of Method/Maturity, Content/Communications, and Governance/Decision making into every EA training course
- Enrich each training with high-impact examples of the use of GenAI for better contextual and conceptual positioning for effective EA for each organization represented in a class
- Promote training classes that integrate TOGAF and ArchiMate for the most streamlined and effective way to establish an effective platform for further maturing an EA practice
- Promote mentoring arrangements to help organizations have low-cost, expert reachback help for their EA journeys beyond training
- Expand TOGAF and ArchiMate classes into the European Union and the U.K. to make our best value offerings available there
- Help promote understanding of the value of linking Information Technology to Operational Technology with a mature EA practice
- Help explain the pros and cons of different EA tools in different scenarios for better-informed decision making regarding them
- Create additional sets of training material for TOGAF and ArchiMate Level 2 certifications
- Conduct more Executive-Level Workshops on the Value of EA for Digital Transformation
What are some of your EA resolutions and how could we help you succeed at accomplishing them?
Authored by Dr. Steve Else, Chief Architect & Principal Instructor