FEAF V2: Federal Enterprise Architecture Certification – Foundation(Live Online, 2025-04-14)

Course information:

Monday, April 14, 2025 to Friday, April 18, 2025
Live Online
Live Online



Attendee Information:

About this course

New Government Transformation Mandate Brings Immediate Value to FEAF, TOGAF®, and EA Training

The United States Office of Management and Budget is formulating a comprehensive Government-wide Reform Plan which will create a lean, accountable, more efficient government. This year, agencies will be required to develop analytical frameworks that look at the alignment of agency activities with the mission and role of the agency and the performance of individual functions. This new mandate to streamline government processes is also a mandate to jumpstart, revitalize, or revisit existing Enterprise Architecture practices within government agencies.

EA Principals Can Help

EA Principals have been providing EA training and consultation to government agencies for over 16 years. Our Chief Architect and Principal Trainer Dr. Steve Else has trained over 10,000 students in the Field of Enterprise Architecture and has served as:

  • Enterprise Architect at the Department of Justice
  • Chief Enterprise Architect at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Lead of the PMO’s EA team at the FDIC
  • Senior Enterprise Architect at CSC’s Federal Government Consulting Practice
  • Enterprise Architect at the United Nations

EA Principals has trained thousands of students in the Field of Enterprise Architecture globally and:

  • Specializes in FEAF and associated EA Frameworks training for government agencies
  • Is located in the Washington DC area
  • Specializes in integrating, where valuable, TOGAF®, ArchiMate®, SAFe, the Open Group’s Agile Architecture Framework, and DODAF building blocks  to support the FEAF
  • Specializes in adapting curriculum to meet your objectives
  • Provides relevant scenarios and use cases for attendees for better mastery of the FEAF to immediately enhance its application
  • Is far and away for best Government EA training organization in the world, while also offering complimentary consulting suggestions during the course

Check out our FEAF and TOGAF® course offerings today or contact us at: [email protected] or 703-333-6098

The Course

Help develop more mature EAs who can work closely with the strategic planning, capital planning, acquisition modernization, and portfolio management communities to use EA as an optimum enabler to support the new executive focus on the importance of strategy driving budgets;

Support clients’ adoption of next generation technologies and approaches in their application of EA and Solutions Architecture, such as GenAI, cloud computing, mobile computing/mobile apps, big data/data analytics platforms, IT as a service, new network technologies, and the increasing importance of security architecture, among other considerations.

Follow-on EA courses after this one:

Advanced Applied FEAF and an individual practicum by each graduate of these first two courses—continue with the applied learning approach and environment.

Attendees will use proven and readily available methodologies to build architectures/models/artifacts and generate the products/output needed to answer key EA and business questions. The Practicum, which would lead to a status as a Board Certified Enterprise Architect in targeted areas of the student’s choosing, must be scoped appropriately for EA/FEAF with the help of an expert mentor. The majority of the students having completed the Foundation FEA Certification have expressed an interest to continue with more advanced courses.

EA Principals encourages a diverse group of students across the organization to participate in this training, including Program Managers and application/system providers, so they can better understand and align to the EA being developed by the enterprise architects across the Federal government.

Course Goals:

Leverage overall information about EA and FEAF to begin building a cadre of architects and key stakeholders across enterprises with a strong foundation who can apply the knowledge they gain and teach it to others while helping to advance the use of EA to support better-informed decision-making;

Reinforce the sense of community among enterprise EAs and support networking with other architects and members of the transformation community cross enterprise;

Help develop more mature EAs who can work closely with the strategic planning community to use EA as an enabler of strategy to support the new executive focus on the importance of strategy driving budget vs. the other way around;

Support clients’ adoption of next generation technologies and approaches such as cloud computing, mobile computing/mobile apps, big data/data analytics platforms, IT as a service, new network technologies (do we use our own network or use the internet for transport?), and the increasing importance of security architecture, among other considerations;

Help students understand how data quality and data stewardship relate to better information architecture in particular and to EA overall; and

Help students to apply what they learned in a strategic and operational environment.

The image above illustrates the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) with a focus on its core components and key pillars that ensure effective enterprise architecture. Here’s a detailed interpretation emphasizing the specified key pillars:

Core Components of FEAF

  1. Levels of Business (Cube in the Center):
    • The central cube represents different layers of the business architecture, ranging from high-level strategic planning to detailed infrastructure elements.
    • Strategic Plan: Represents the overarching strategy and goals of the organization.
    • Business Architecture: Describes business processes and activities.
    • Data and Information: Focuses on data management and information architecture.
    • Applications: Covers software and applications supporting business processes.
    • Infrastructure: Physical and technological infrastructure supporting applications and data.

Key Pillars in the Outer Circular Layer

  1. Functional Integration:
    • Ensures that various components of the enterprise architecture are integrated and work cohesively.
    • Smaller elements: Standards, Tools, Use/Application.
  2. Service Delivery:
    • Focuses on aligning IT services with business needs to deliver value.
    • Smaller elements: Governance, Principles, Method.
  3. Resource Optimization:
    • Ensures efficient use of resources across the organization.
    • Smaller elements: Audit, Reporting, Feedback.
  4. Authoritative Reference:
    • Provides official documents and references guiding the architecture.
    • Smaller elements: Standards, Authoritative Reference.

Integration and Governance Elements in the Ring

  • Governance: Frameworks and policies ensuring the architecture aligns with organizational goals.
  • Principles: Fundamental guidelines driving the architecture.
  • Method: Processes and methodologies used in architecture development.
  • Tools: Software and tools supporting architecture management.
  • Standards: Best practices and standards ensuring consistency and compliance.
  • Use/Application: Practical implementation and application of the architecture.
  • Audit: Regular reviews and audits for compliance and effectiveness.
  • Reporting: Mechanisms for tracking progress and performance.
  • Feedback: Continuous feedback loops for ongoing improvement.

Current and Future States

  • Current State: The existing architecture, including processes, systems, and infrastructure.
  • Future State: The target architecture state after implementing strategic changes.
  • Transition Plan: Roadmap detailing the steps and milestones to move from the current state to the future state.

Integration and Alignment

  • Horizontal Layers within the Cube:
    • These layers depict the integration of strategic plans, business activities, data and information, applications, and infrastructure. Each layer is designed to interact and align with others, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive architecture.


This diagram of the FEAF highlights the essential components and key pillars critical to the framework’s effectiveness. The central cube outlines the various business architecture layers, emphasizing the need for alignment and integration. The outer circular layer underscores the importance of Functional Integration, Service Delivery, Resource Optimization, and Authoritative Reference, supported by smaller governance elements to ensure the architecture is managed effectively and delivers value. The focus on current and future states, along with transition planning, demonstrates the dynamic and evolving nature of enterprise architecture.

Module 1 – Enterprise Architecture in Plain English
Module 2 – What is an Enterprise?
Module 3 – What is an Architecture?
Module 4 – Why do EA
Module 5 – Evolution of Federal EA
Module 6– Introduction to the Common Approach
Module 7– Primary Outcomes of the Common Approach
Module 8 – Levels of Scope
Module 9 – Basic Elements of Federal EA
Module 10 – Current Strategy across multiple enterprises
Module 11 – Shared Services Strategy
Module 12 – Common Approach Overview
Module 13 – CPM Step 1: Identify and Validate
Module 14 – CPM Step 2: Research and Leverage
Module 15 – Shared Services Strategy
Module 15 – CPM Step 3: Define and Plan
Module 16 – CPM Step 4: Invest and Execute
Module 17 – CPM Step: Perform and Measure
Module 18 – The 6 Reference Models
Module 19– The Sub Architecture Domains
Module 20 –Strategy Sub Architecture Domain
Module 21 –Business Sub Architecture Domain
Module 22 –Data Sub Architecture Domain
Module 23 –Application Sub Architecture Domain
Module 24 –Infrastructure Sub Architecture Domain
Module 25 –Security Sub Architecture Domain
Module 26 – Enterprise Road Map
Module 27 – IT Asset Inventory

Discussion Board


Day 1


  • Introductions
  • Course Survey
  • Expectations
  • Tour d’horizon of the Enterprise Architecture discipline and how the FEAF aligns to it


  • Overview of FEA Evolution
  • FEA in Perspective of Other Frameworks and Methods
  • Introduction to Course Case Study
  • Introduction to Government Accountability Office (GAO) and Office of Inspector General (OIG) Challenges/Opportunities for EA in the
    Federal Government
  • Introduction to Basic Architecture Modeling
  • Use of Mind Mapping and Architectural Modeling for Scoping of EA Programs/Initiatives
  • Breakout Sessions to Brainstorm some current, high-priority use cases in the Federal Government

Day 2


  • Emerging Trends and Challenges in EA
  • Analysis of Emerging Trends and Challenges in FEA Context


  • Introduction to the architecture method in FEAF’s “The Common Approach” document
  • Comparison of FEAF’s method to those of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) and Scaled Agile Framework
  • Breakout Sessions

Day 3


  • The Common Approach (Reference Models)
  • Benchmarking with other Approaches and Reference Models
  • Designing a hybrid method that combines building blocks from different frameworks and methods


  • FEA Content
  • Overview of some top modeling languages, approaches, and tools
  • Using Modeling to Frame a Real-World EA Initiative using GAO/OIG and other real-world material
  • Breakout sessions to discuss FEA content development and management
  • Continuation/Completion of Course Case Study

Day 4


  • FEA Imperatives and Strategies
  • FEA Realities
  • Working in a Constrained EA Context
  • Breakout Sessions on possible FEAF use cases


  • Students’ Design of Original, High-level, Applied FEA Course Case Study
  • Applying FEA and Related Methods for each student’s Case Study
  • Prepare and deliver status reports on the Case Study

Day 5


  • Completion of each student’s Course Case Study’s scope, plan, and roadmap
  • Creation of Original Graphics/Models for Class Case Study
  • Briefing Out Case Study with visuals (from Vision through Roadmap)


  • Completion of FEAF Certification Exam by end of day
  • Receipt of FEAF Certification Certificates by the start of the next week

Note that: The schedule is an approximation of the flow of the class. But the content will be provided in a flexible manner, including with more examples and discussions, as per the particular class’ flow. 

The certification process has 3 pillars: Active participation, Design and Briefing of FEA Project, and end of course exam, corrected to 100%.

A 100% refund, minus a 5% processing fee, will be given to students who drop or withdraw from the EA Principals, Inc. class no later than the 21st day prior to the announced scheduled start date. No refund will be given within 21 days of the published start date. Students missing a portion of a class, due to emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, will be able to attend the next class on the same topic for the days missed, without additional fee. Students need not reregister; however, they must notify EA Principals, Inc. (by email or telephone), so the registration fee for the makeup class can be waived and class logistics provided. Note: This refund policy does not apply if using special discount codes that have “no refund” specified in the usage instructions.

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